Obagi Blue Radiance Peel

The Obagi Blue Radiance Peel is a gentle, superficial yet effective chemical peel that combines Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, and Lactic Acid. This peel is suitable for all ethnicities and aims to decongest, brighten, and smooth the texture of your skin.

Specifically formulated for oily, acne-prone, dull, sallow, mature skin, and those with fine lines, the Obagi Blue Radiance Peel effectively sheds dead skin and unblocks clogged pores. It is particularly beneficial for acne sufferers and individuals with redness or scarring from previous breakouts, as it helps improve skin texture and diminishes red acne scars, leaving your complexion refreshed.

In most cases, no skin preparation is necessary. However, if your skin barrier is impaired or dry, it is advised to prepare your skin before the Obagi Blue Radiance Peel, and our skilled skin therapists can advise and provide you with appropriate skincare products to restore your skin barrier prior to the peel.